How to choose fun props for a branding photography shoot to enhance your brand
A branding photography shoot is more than just some headshots of you in pretty locations. It’s about sharing your brand, so showing what you do and how you work is equally important. That means...
Bring your brand into your branding photography shoot in 3 simple ways
Branding photography has taken off in the last couple of years. Small businesses are on the rise, and business owners are quickly learning the importance of a personal brand. But what do we mean by...
People of Romsey part 1
This photoshoot is part of my People of Romsey - lifting spirits. It's about celebrating and honouring those around us who have helped in any way during this pandemic. I asked for the community of...
How to pose for your branding photos
How to pose for your branding photos If there’s one thing people worry about when having their photograph taken, it’s how they should pose for the camera. Look, unless you’re a model, posing is not...
What to Wear to Your Equine Photo Shoot
There are many different parts of your equine photo shoot to consider when planning it. But planning what to wear has to be one of the most fun parts of the whole process! It’s a question that often...
Get More Visible With A Professional Branding Shoot
Over the last few years, there has been an enormous increase in the number of small businesses now working and thriving in the UK. And with the internet at everyone’s fingertips, it’s become much...

To my blog. A mixture of helpful, useful information on branding and equine, client work and general musings! Enjoy!